October 18, 2024

Online Desk: The day is observed internationally (annually) on 26 June to to raise the voice against the crime of torture and to honor and support victims and survivors throughout the world. The day is of significant importance for Kashmiri people fighting against Indian illegal occupation and bearing the brunt of brutal HRVs for last seven decades. Pakistan on this day reiterate its full diplomatic and moral support to Kashmiris all over the world. Govt of Pakistan and AJK organise wide range of events to educate international stakeholders regarding the un-ending miseries of people of IIOJK.

Indian Army is given a free hand when it comes to using torture and it is a tactic employed to ‘break people’s will’. As per HR organisations and INGOs the Indian state uses torture as a matter of policy in IIOJK with tens of thousands of civilians having been subjected to worst kind of human rights abuses. The Indian occupational army employ different torture techniques, which includes sexual torture including rape and sodomy, water-boarding, burning of body parts with hot objects, solitary confinement and electrocution to the genitals.

As per a comprehensive report , Torture: Indian State’s Instrument of Control in Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir, 70 percent of torture victims are civilians and 11 percent die due during or as a result of torture. “Due to legal, political and moral impunity extended to the armed forces, not a single prosecution has taken place in any case of human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir”. It is alarming to note that, “All the institutions of the State be it legislature, executive, judiciary and armed forces form a part” of the torture”.

“Entire population of IIOJK have also been subjected to collective punishments like cordon and search operations (CASOs) during which torture and sexual violence has been common” According to a study published by Doctors Without Borders in 2015, 19% of the Kashmiri population suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. India is a signatory to the United Nations Convention against Torture since 1997 but it has not ratified the treaty till date. Universal Periodic Reviews in 2008, 2012 and 2017 recommended that India ratify the Convention but in vain.

The events organised by GoP and AJK will be enormously helpful in drawing attention in the international community to the need to express concern about India’s human rights record. Main objective is to highlight the plight of victims of torture in general and those who are languishing in Indian Jails on fake charges in particular.

It is envisaged that events will bring together the entire AJK and APHC leadership on the plight of people in IIOJK. The planned activities will also serve as a response to those who try to sow the seeds of disunity and undermine Pakistan’s support for Kashmiris.

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