April 1, 2025

Moon Desk: Fry of Galda and Bagda shrimps is being caught unabated in the Meghna River.
There is rising water in the river. The catching of fry of these shrimp species is going on in a festive manner in the river.
According to field sources, mosquito curtains and different types of fishing nets including Behundi are being used in the prawn collection. In this process, fry of different species are being destroyed every day.
With the help of related administration including the Department of Fisheries (DoF), naval police, local administration and an influential quarter, the reckless fry catching is continuing.
Fry is being sent in big drums or bottles by roads and waterways to different areas of the country including Khulna, Bagerhat, and Satkhira districts.
According to sources at the DoF, nine to 12 pieces of other fish fry are being destroyed to catch one prawn (PL-Post Lamba).
Out of this, 200 species of fish, different types of aquatic life and food particles are being destroyed every day.
Because of this, the serious harmful impact on other species of fish and aquatic life in the Meghna River is increasing day by day; the ecosystem or interdependence of aquatic life is also getting threatened gradually.
In 2001, the government declared a complete ban on collection and conservation of Bagda and Galda fry.
District and upazila fisheries offices sources said, they are conducting surveillance; but no surveillance by the upazila administration or by the DoF was seen.
DoF- Bhola Officer Biswajit Dev said, he is investigating such complaints; if any officer of the DoF is found involved in fish fry-trafficking, the department will take action against her/him.
At least 9,000-10,000 men and women along with children and teenagers are catching lumpfish from different places in the Meghna River.
The whole business is being controlled by three/four local influential people of Borhanuddin, Lalmohan and Charfasson upazilas.
According to sources, they are being assisted by the officials of the administrative patrolling teams, warehouse and enclosure owners.
When asked about the catching of Bagda and Galdafry in public, the officials of the Coast Guard of Tajumuddin Outpost did not make any comment.
Influential and warehouse owners are taking advantage of the poverty and forcing the needy people to collect prawns.
The scene is observed in the area of Hakimuddin Ghat of Borhanuddin Upazila. Besides, fry netting was also seen in Meghna embankment area.
Locals said, some influential brokers are forcibly killing fishes and fry with different types of nets such as mosquito net and current net.
A recent visit found thousands of people are killing minnows in front of and around the office of Hakimuddin Naval Police.
When asked about this, Officer-in-Charge Mosharraf Hossain said, he does not know anything about it.

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