Staff Correspondent: Jatrabari Park under Dhaka South City Corporation was neglected for a long time. B.A.R. & Associates has started tree planting activities to free the illegal occupants of the park, beautify it, and increase oxygen. As a result, the park will be more attractive and the number of people will increase, the locals told this reporter.
A college student who did not want to be named told our Kirtinasha TV reporter that Bar & Associates, the head of Mr. Bakhtiyar Ahmed, is planting trees to keep the mind and spirit good and to make this place clean and suitable for people, which is good news for everyone. As a result, the environment will be good.
Locals complained that the park was encroached. There was a fair in the park, which we do not want. During the dictatorship, the entire park was occupied and after August 5, they did not want to leave the occupation. The locals congratulated Barr and Associates for this tree planting activity. During this time, from the beginning to the end, all the members of the Safe Road Movement (NSA), ordinary students and the public, including the OC of Jatrabari Police Station, provided full support to the founder of Barr and Associates, Mr. Bakhtiar Ahmed.