March 10, 2025

Online Desk: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) want to revive pre-Islamic Hindu civilization in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
According to a report released by Kashmir Media Service, today, the Modi regime is aggressively working to erase the Muslim character of IIOJK as it is systematically settling non-locals in the territory to alter its demographic balance.
It said Modi’s illegal actions of 5th Aug 2019 are a deliberate attempt to strip IIOJK of its Muslim identity, adding Modi’s actions aim to weaken Kashmiris’ fight for self-determination by undermining their Muslim identity.
The report said the humiliation and injustice of 5th Aug 2019 by the Modi regime cannot be forgotten by the IIOJK people as India’s revocation of Article 370 has dishonored and denied Kashmiris their rightful identity.
It said the Modi government’s 5th August 2019 actions have triggered a grave threat to the Muslim identity of IIOJK but for Kashmiri Muslims, preserving their distinct identity is a matter of life and death and will never accept the forced changes imposed on them on 5th August 2019.
The report maintained that India’s actions on 5th August 2019 have only worsened the already dire situation in the occupied territory, adding the Modi regime’s plan to alter the demographic composition of IIOJK is a violation of international law and norms.
The international community must put pressure on India to respect the Kashmiris’ identity and implement the United Nations resolutions on Kashmir.
Meanwhile, veteran Congress leader Karan Singh has demanded restoration of full statehood to Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, asserting that its downgrading to a Union Territory is totally unacceptable.
According to Kashmir Media Service, in a media interview, Karan Singh, former Sadr-e-Riyasat, said, “I want full statehood to be restored. No ifs and buts. Proper statehood.”
He emphasized that alongside the restoration of statehood, the territory’s domiciliary laws should be strengthened to prevent land sales to outsiders.
He criticized the demotion of IIOJK, pointing out that while the Indian government claims it as the “Crown of India,” the territory now stands below Indian states like Himachal Pradesh and Haryana. “This is something that must be remedied,” he added.
Karan Singh also remarked that the political landscape of occupied Jammu and Kashmir drastically changed after the illegal abrogation of Article 370.

Moreover, the Modi regime is plotting to deprive Kashmiris of their identity and motherland in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. A report released by Kashmir Media Service, on Saturday, said the Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled India is hell bent upon converting IIOJK’s Muslim majority into a minority. It said for the purpose India is granting domicile rights to outsiders in the occupied territory as part of its scheme to dilute Kashmiris’ identity.

It said the Hindutva ideologues are openly pushing to efface Kashmir’s unique identity, adding the ultimate goal of the BJP and RSS is to revive pre-Islamic Hindu civilization in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The report lamented that the BJP-RSS wanted fulfillment of their long-term agenda of complete integration of Jammu and Kashmir with India. It said Modi seeks to impose a Hindu-centric order in the heart of Muslim Kashmir.

It said the people of Kashmir will fiercely resist any attempt to strip them of their unique identity and they will choose martyrdom over becoming subjects to Hindu extremist forces.

The report urged the International human rights advocates to raise their voices for Kashmiris’ fundamental rights and hold India accountable for its continued violations of international laws in IIOJK.

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