March 5, 2025

The Special Prosecutor Advisor to the  International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) Barrister Toby Cadman today hoped that
India would stand by the truth and give a positive reply in response to the
note verbale sent by Bangladesh for repatriating ousted prime minister Sheikh
Hasina, for the sake of justice.

“The foreign ministry has properly called for her extradition from India. It
is now India’s turn, to whether they would take the side of justice or stand
for her impunity. I hope they will stand for justice in the future,” Cadman
told newsmen at a press briefing held at ICT this afternoon.

Toby Cadman, a reputed international law specialist and co-founder of the
London-based ‘The Guernica 37 Group’, said it is true that the Bangladesh
government cannot force its Indian counterpart to take a positive step in
response to the diplomatic message, adding, “But we can hope that Sheikh
Hasina will be brought back to the country and made to stand trial.”

The ICT prosecutor advisor said the ousted prime minister would get every
opportunity to defend herself as per the law.

“I came here to work as a professional and I would do that. No incidents, or
activities from the past would be able to influence my work here. All should
keep in mind that there is no room for haste in completing these trial
procedures correctly,” he added while replying to a question.

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