April 1, 2025

DHAKA, March 23, 2024 (BSS) – A fire that broke out at a chemical godown of a

building in the city’s Chawkbazar Islambagh area on Saturday night, was
brought under control at 6am today.

“A total of eight firefighting units brought the blaze under control around
6:00 am,” said Lima Khanam, duty officer of Fire service and Civil Defence
(control room).

However, no casualties were reported till now and the actual reason behind
the fire could not be known immediately, she added.

Earlier this morning, Fire Service Deputy Director and Incident Commander of
Dhaka Saleh Uddin visited the spot and said the extent of damages can be
ascertained after investigation.

According to the locals, the fire broke out around 3:30am and engulfed the
adjacent areas soon. Being informed, two units of Chawkbazar fire units
rushed to the spot and trying to douse the blaze.

Later, six more units from Lalbagh, Polashi and the Fire Services HQ joined
to blow out the fire. After two and a half hours of frantic efforts, the
teams brought the blaze under control, the Fire Service official added.

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