March 31, 2025

Sujayendra Das: Need to writing about human mind to us. It is indeed an intricate part of mind, when human beings arrive in this earth. It becomes the ardent responsibility of parents and grandparents to nurture the new arrivals in families. After the birth when the newly born gradually grows up in age, they try to stare at various unknown mysteries of life. This way human mind becomes nurtured deeply. Hence it is of utmost relevance to comprehend that we must aim forward the concept of generalization of human mind from close quarters. Before I delve into details, let me state what actually the term, ‘human mind’ is referred to in common man’s parlance. Thus the said term has been referred to as such, that indicates a faculty which manifests in mental areas like sensation, perception, thinking, reasoning, memory, belief, desire, emotion and finally motivation. As the globe is on the verge of change and remarkable transition, it is advisable on our part to generalize our mind sedately and transparently. In the midst of this changing phase in our life, it is advisable on our part to accept the changing phase boldly and sportingly. Those who are able to accept the change sportingly and coolly they are emerged as true victor in life. Those unable to do so, are badly side-tracked. Apart from the above, there are basically three types of human mind, such as the conscious mind, sub conscious mind and unconscious mind. Among all the types of mind, the last named is regarded as the most important among all. There is also a logic behind the importance of the last named. The modern age seems to be taking the edge of utmost competitiveness. There is a stiff competition to achieve must desired success. It does not indicate that one should achieve success by heckling key opponent. If we generalize human mind then we that we must have confidence upon self. Also if the opponent forces are mentally deranged, then it is our honored responsibility to look after them. Rather we should encourage them with the aim that the above should stand upright on our toes.

Generalization of human mind around the globe is not an easy task for entire humanity. Rather we should always generalize human compartment in such a manner that all of us should fall under the same platter. In between some of us by dint of extensive reading develop human mind to glorious heights. This is purely dependent upon self-introspection and analysis.

As the concept of generalization of human mind is a repository of global issues. But I feel that I must focus upon two closer and cordial nations under South Asian Sub-Continent, India and Bangladesh. India and Bangladesh apart from political boundaries, from another angles everything sounds fully similar between each other. In both the nations, I find that common citizens always remain under severe strain and stress. As because price rise might be the key issue behind it. Plus the irate political situations. Though Bangladesh is on the verge of electing their new parliament on January 7, 2024. Later on neighboring India follows suit. Very recently in India elections for four assembly segments have just been completed. With ruling BJP made a clean sweep. All these citizens of both nations have well adapted to the changing trends. Even in Bangladesh, citizens are mentally well aware of that who is going to emerge victor. In this regard, I find rational minded citizens of both nations have made up their mind in such a manner that they accept the verdict of the common citizens.

Apart from the above issue, human mind or human compartment should be generalised on other areas like familial, professional, corporate and cultural. In all these areas, there are possibilities of multiple inconsistencies. But what is best required is that mental aptitude should be as such that ground reality should be admitted by us. Otherwise our mind will always become crestfallen.

So far I face tried to analyze generalize human mind from various quarters. Anyhow I must try to trace out the key advantages pertaining to my thoughts.

Among all the advantages connected with the above, some of the common ones are stated as such, transfer of knowledge should be made mandatory, there should not be any discriminatory mental makeup in regard to transfer of knowledge from one person to another, the advice of counselling psychologists should be taken as a bible, for self- development lot of hard work and determination is required etc.

Leaving aside the advantages part of generalization of human mind also has its deep importance. It is more important in this competitive scenarios. To be more elaborately speaking. It is deciphered that some human beings get very shortly irritated when landing up in the midst of complicated situations. In this regard, as per the views of counseling psychologists, it is found that we should accept boldly ground realities of any given situations. In order to be ebullient in life, we should aim to upgrade our creative faculties. As per the views of Bertrand Russell, well known philosopher and thinker, always coined in his various writings about human adaptability to think positives of life. Then the biggest joy in our life will arrive.

Now let me highlight what are the biggest joy in our life. There are various biggest joy in our life. Among all some of the common ones are stated as such, self-discover, acquiring various types of new skills, acquiring new hobbies, enjoyment with children, receipt of touching compliment, relaxed bath on the sea beaches or toilets, celebration of personal achievements, setting out for long walk during early morning hours or during sunset evening, create something unique etc.

The above views of me will glaringly reflect positives of human life. Let me repeat once again that if we achieve something unique in life, then that is no doubt the biggest joy in our life. Hence through this methodology in life, we will be in a position to generalise human life from close quarters. Problems and complexities in our life are always abounding. But that should be thwarted out at any cost.

Before I end with my analysis of my focussed area. Let me state what are the ways by which we are able to generalise human mind. Among all the ways pertaining to my focusing area, some of the common ones are stated as such, parents should impart their intrinsic skills to their children, humanity across the globe are always guided about the understanding of gross reality, humanity is always guided not to think evil about closer enemies and finally we should always be cordial and gracious towards poor cum downtrodden sections along with hard-core enemies. This is also referred to as true generalisation of human mind.

Summing my above views. One glaring points always strikes my mind that concept of generalisation of human mind is not an easy task for this writer from India. However I have tried sincerely to analyse the concept. If there is any error from my side, I shall remain ever apologetic to my revered online readers of India and Bangladesh.

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