Desk Report: Local people especially anti-discrimination student movement and conscious civil society formed a human blockade in front of Badshah Faisal Institute at 2 o’clock on Saturday.
This area is popular for residential areas, educational institutions and religious places of worship. But for a long time, under the umbrella of a political party, party occupiers installed this dustbin in front of Badshah Faisal Institute School and College.
Young students, citizens living in residential areas and Muslims coming to the mosque are suffering from this bad smell. They did not want to remove the dustbin despite repeated requests. They did not pay attention to the offer of alternative places.
The matter was informed to the then Member of Parliament Sadek Khan. But no solution was found. Later, the matter was addressed in writing to the Mayor of North City Corporation, Atiqul Islam. But no solution has been found, said the leaders of the human bond.
It is becoming necessary to remove the dustbin from the place as soon as possible to ensure the safety and health of the young students.