March 4, 2025

Md Nazrul The drama of the Indian Parliament attack in 2001 was not the first time that the Indians had used a false flag operation to execute its hidden agenda against her neighbors. The Indian blatant propaganda was badly exposed when The Wire news agency disclosed WhatsApp chats between Indian anchorperson Arnab Goswami, and the former CEO of the rating agency Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC), Partho Dasgupta. The chats exposed the sinister designs hatched by Modi’s government to blame Pakistan for the false Pulwama attack, followed by a botched air strike on Balakot in February 2019.

Be it is an incident of plane hijacking, attacks of Indian Parliament, Mumbai or Pulwama or Uri, India always used falsehood as statecraft to malign her neighbors, make political gains and above all divert focus from economic meltdown, insurgencies, and religious bigotry.

The Indian establishment articulately constructs and cultivates anti-Pakistan narratives to distract the attention of international and local media from serious domestic challenges also including widespread demonstrations and tensions between ethnic groups. India had always tried to bluff the international stakeholders and community to project Pakistan as a state sponsoring terrorism. Exposing the nexus between the extremist outfits BJP and RSS, the ex-Indian Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde revealed in 2013 that they were behind the Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and Malegaon blasts.

India uses false flag operations to generate a negative perception to initiate international actions against Pakistan as well as a tool of coercion which is often utilized to provoke or justify a war against adversaries.

In an interview, Maj Gen (Retd) Z A Khan, former Director, DGFI (Bangladeshi Intelligence), said: “There is no doubt that RAW played a vital role during our liberation war, but their motive was to divide Pakistan at any cost to weaken their archrival Pakistan.” Their hidden objective is to establish undivided India, which they call ‘Akhand Bharat Mata’. The RAW plotted a false flag operation on 30th January 1971, when an Indian airplane was hijacked and flown to Lahore airport, and Pakistan was immediately blamed and was prohibited to use Indian airspace to the then East Pakistan. Later, it was revealed that the plane was already out of service but was made operational only one day before the incident of hijacking was staged.

The Indian propaganda of blaming Pakistan after the mass killing of 35 Sikhs in Chittisinghpura Massacre in 2000, the Indian Parliament Attack in 2001, car bombing at IIOJK Legislative Assembly in 2001 and Malegaon Mosque Blast in 2006  was falsified by India’s own officials.

German author Davidsson’s book titled “The Betrayal of India: Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence” also verified that the Mumbai attack was a false flag by Indian, US, and Israeli intelligence nexus to malign Pakistan. As per the 26th UN report on terrorism released Jul 2020, which indicated “significant numbers” of ISIS/ISK terrorists in the two states of Indian Union Kerala, Karnataka has been reported. An investigation by the EU Dis-info Lab to expose India’s 15-year propaganda operation targeting the UN and EU to malign Pakistan was the newest iteration of an influence campaign run by an Indian organisation called the Srivastava Group.

This systematic disinformation campaign was designed to influence EU member parliament, international opinion-makers and decision-makers.

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