Gazipur Correspondent: Due to the floods in Sylhet, the business of Kapasia and Jackfruit in Sreepur of Gazipur district collapsed. A jackfruit worth Tk 50 is being sold at Tk 20. He said that the farmers have suffered huge losses. Going to the surface, it can be seen that there are numerous jackfruits lying on the side of the road and in the garden. In the last one week, such scenes have been seen in Kapasia’s Amarid, Rayed, Tok Bazar and Jaina Bazar in Sreepur. Raid Union Agriculture Block Supervisor Zahid Akand told Business Mirror, ‘Gazipur’s jackfruit mainly goes to Sylhet and Dhaka. Recently, due to floods in Sylhet, the shipment of jackfruit from Gazipur has been stuck. The jackfruit business of Gazipur has collapsed.
Md. Liton Sikder, a farmer of Amarid village, said, “I have hundreds of jackfruit trees in my garden. This time I sold 90 trees from the garden for 40 thousand taka. Last year, I got 80 thousand taka by selling jackfruit from the same garden. ‘He said that hundreds of jackfruits are rotting and falling down from the trees due to non-sale. Mamun Mia, a farmer of Kapasia village, said, ‘In this season, the two-paise income that used to be earned by selling jackfruit, has not happened this time. Sylhet floods all over.’Lohadi village farmer Kamal Hossain told, ‘Yesterday I cut 800 jackfruits from the trees. Of these, 300 jackfruits are rotten. So I threw it away. Jackfruit cannot be taken to Sylhet-Sunamganj during monsoon. The jack cannot be removed from the car. ‘Kofil Uddin, a jackfruit trader in Darga Bazar area of Kapasia Upazila, said, ‘The daily cost of cutting jackfruit is Tk 1,000. 22,000 Tk to rent a car. Due to floods, I cannot go to Sylhet markets with jackfruit. That’s why I’m struggling to buy jackfruit. “Even two weeks ago, 16 big jackal trucks used to go from Amraid area, now there are four-five,” he said. Jackfruit traders said that they do not have any cold storage, so there is no way to preserve jackfruit. Apart from jackfruit, other seasonal fruits can also be stored if a cold storage facility is arranged.