Online Desk: Pakistan’s unwavering support for the oppressed people of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir is rooted in its commitment to upholding principles of justice, equality, and human rights, amidst their continued suffering at the hands of Indian authorities.
According to Kashmir Media Service, for over seven decades, Pakistan has been championing the Kashmiris’ fight for freedom, and its unwavering support has been a beacon of hope for the Kashmiri people. Pakistan’s commitment to the Kashmir cause remains unshakeable, and it will persist in supporting the IIOJK people’s quest for freedom from Indian occupation.
The bond between Pakistanis and Kashmiris is unbreakable, and their hearts beat as one. Pakistan’s support fuels the Kashmiris’ fight against illegal occupation, and the country will continue to raise its voice against Indian atrocities in IIOJK.
The Kashmir issue remains an unfinished agenda of the subcontinent’s partition, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s actions on August 5, 2019, have reaffirmed the Two-Nation Theory. The global community must back the Kashmiris in their battle against fascist India, and the world cannot remain indifferent to the sufferings of the Kashmiri people.