September 20, 2024

Syed Atik: A day-long special training was provided to electricians in Tongi with the aim of developing business relations and skills under the initiative of Super Star Company in Tongi, Gazipur. Organized at Tongi Bazar Bandhan Community Center on Monday. Form Group Sales Manager Md. Shafiqul Islam Shipon, Power Group Assistant Sales Manager Md. Rabiul Islam, Bright Group Divisional Manager Md. Helal Majumdar, Deluxe Group Divisional Sales Manager Md. Kamruzzaman, Business Partner Pawa, Bright, Deluxe Group were present. Tongi Area Dealer Raihan Dewan Ripon, Form Group Distributor Ziaur Rahman Jewel, Business Development Cable Manager Md Shakeel Raihan.

At this time, electricians are given special training on wiring and equipment used in offices and homes through trainers. Certificates are given to all at the end of the training.

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