Jamalpur Correspondent: What about the pictures you have? There is no leader in Sarishabari, there is no leader, there is no chairman, and there is no member! The roads are breaking, it will be stronger? No one has seen it broken for 3 years. Leaders and titles only come at the time of voting.’ Van driver Nadeem Uddin made such a statement after seeing the reporter’s photo taken. Van driver Nadeem Uddin said these things to the reporter while taking pictures of the broken road in Char-Barbaria village of Kamrabad union in Sarishabari upazila of Jamalpur.
It is known that an important road of communication from Sarishabari in Jamalpur district to Motherganj upazila is the road from Kamrabad Gorasthan mor road to Raiganj DC. Common people and business people have been using this road for a long time to save time. Due to the lack of rail-communication system in Motherganj, most of the people of that area depend on the rail-communication system of Sarishabari and Jamalpur. Moreover, the people of Motherganj use that road to go to Sirajganj, Kazipur, Bhuapur. Due to the dependence of Sarishabari-Madarganj two upazilas in terms of trade and commerce, the importance of the road is increasing day by day, the renovation work of the road is not getting importance. The road collapsed 3 years ago but has not been repaired.
LGED Sarishabari was present at the office and on the ground. It is also known that the road work of Charbarbaria village of Kamrabad union of the upazila was implemented by Sarishabari LGED with the funding of the local government ministry in the financial year 2019-20. The road collapsed in the monsoon last 3 years after its construction. A large hole is left in the middle of the road from one side of the road to almost the end of the other side. As a result, a death trap has been created there. Minor accidents happen there almost constantly and pedestrians and commuters are constantly in danger of major accidents due to potholes on these broken roads.
On October 4, a cargo tanker overturned into the crater, before which a motorcyclist couple and their 8-month-old baby fell into the crater. No casualty was reported in the two incidents, but pedestrians are on the lookout for unexpected incidents. Almost every now and then one or two accidents happen. Moreover, this road has various potholes, as a result of which people’s movement is disturbed, public life is suffering.
Jasim Uddin, a local person, said that during the construction of the road, the road was lowered to drain the water in front of his house. During the monsoons, water from the road and houses fell, causing the road to collapse soon after construction and a large-scale pothole. The hole gradually grew and eventually broke through to the end of the road.
He also said that the vehicles left the road and moved very close to his land and his homestead, as a result of which the tin fence of his house was sometimes broken by the impact of the vehicles.
Jasim Uddin expressed more fear and said, I am always in fear, when I know when a big car breaks my house and crushes me.
Van driver Nadeem Uddin said to the reporter while taking pictures of the broken road, what about the pictures? There is no leader in Sarishabari, there is no leader, there is no chairman, and there is no member! Breaking the roads, it will be forced? For 3 years, no one has seen a broken; leader-Khetar only comes at the time of voting.
In this regard, Sarishabari Upazila Local Government Engineer Zahidul Islam spoke to him and said, “If there is an opportunity, we will include that road in the list.”