March 29, 2025

Desk Report: World Meditation Day was observed in Dhaka on Tuesday with the theme of ‘Bhalo Manshu Bhalo Desh, Swargbhoomi Bangladesh’ (Good people, good country, heaven, Bangladesh).
This call was made in the mood of tranquility in the presence of two thousand people at the National Press Club on Tuesday, May 21, World Meditation Day.
The negotiators also said that it is possible to transform the next generation into virtuous and good people through house-to-house meditation.
It is organized for the fourth time in the country with the theme of ‘Good people, good country, heaven, Bangladesh’. At the beginning of the morning, people from different classes and professions started gathering at the press club premises.
Organized by Quantum Foundation, the event started at 6 in the morning with pranayama or breathwork and meditation. After that, people from different walks of life were immersed in silent meditation.
Speakers in the event highlighted the importance of practicing meditation at home. A special photo exhibition on meditation was organized on the occasion of the day.
Shahid Al Bokhari Mahajatak, the promoter of Quantum Method, said in an audio message during the meditation day celebration, “Meditation and a healthy lifestyle are necessary for total fitness and getting rid of various diseases caused by wrong lifestyle.”
On this auspicious occasion of the day, he called upon everyone to have great thoughts for the society and the country.
In the event, it was informed that the message of meditation and healthy lifestyle has now reached all levels of the society through the observance of the day since 2021. In 2022, the Department of Health accepted yoga meditation as a health care supplement. In 2023, meditation became part of education and teacher training programs.
Vice President of National Press Club and Head of News of Machranga Television Rezwanul Haque Raja, Joint Editor Ashraf Ali, Senior Journalist Kazi Rawnak Hossain, Senior Journalist of Ekatar Television Shahnaz Sharmin, Actor Emon spoke in the hour-long program at the press club premises.
In addition, journalists from various media, media personalities and people of various professions were also present.
Apart from the press club of the capital, the day was celebrated simultaneously in various places of the country and abroad.
Regular practice awakens the positive being within a person. Regular practice reduces anger, anger, sadness, depression, tension, stress or mental stress. Attitude changes from negativity to positivity. The mind becomes congruent. As a result, family professional social relationships become more beautiful.
Expectation of meditation day, people of the country will be transformed into a healthy, active, disciplined and humane society with regular practice.

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