April 1, 2025

Rehenuma Seheli Kabir : Education is one of the means of converting the population of a populous country into a public resource.The role of educational institutions in building an enlightened nation by erasing the darkness of ignorance is also undeniable. Therefore,there is no alternative of establishing educational institutions to develop the practice of knowledge in a country.There is a historical evidence of this reality which was reflected in the national education policy of this country on the eve of the creation of Bangladesh as an independent and sovereign state.On 16 December 1971, despite being a war-torn country, we got an effective education policy in 1972.This education policy is considered as an important milestone for us to expand education,to enlighten the nation.With the aim of ensuring education for all, educational institutions in this country have increased manifold till today.

With the passage of time or due to the need, the number of new educational institutions is increasing in the country. Starting from schools,colleges,the number of government universities is also increasing.With the establishment of two new government universities;announced recently,the number of autonomous and government universities in the country will stand at 52. But with this numerical quantity of educational institutions the quality of education isn’t increasing.Rather an opposite scenario of quality is observed which is undoubtedly a sign of disappointment,a sign of failure of our administration.Although the number of government universities in our country is increasing day by day, the quality of education is not increasing.In addition to higher education in all established universities,research knowledge, adequate number of teachers, learning environment, cafeteria,housing facilities are inadequate.As a result, the expected benefits of ensuring higher education is being hampered in many ways.Apart from these lack of scientific research,lab facilities etc is negatively impacting the quality of education.Sometimes students become bound to protest for establishing their rightful demand.It hampers their academic activities such as exams,class ans lengthen their academic session.

These institutional deficiencies have a negative impact on the career of students. As a result, even if they complete their academic studies,they cannot become fully skilled.At the end of the day, many unemployed graduates have to spend their days in depression with the title of educated unemployed.Sometimes finding no other way,they commit criminal activities and even suicide to get rid from such embarrassing situation.It’s not only shame for the students individually but also shame for the whole country.Thus the educational institutions of our country have turned into  factories for producing educated unemployed day by day.Therefore, in order to reduce the number of educated unemployed in the country, it is necessary to improve the quality of educational institutions along with the facilities for practical education and skill development.

Generally, there is an inverse relationship between the numerical value and qualitative value of anything.Because managing a relatively larger number of universities,ensuring all facilities related to education and keeping the quality intact is quite a challenging issue.In this regard,proper steps  should be taken to increase the facilities and to increase the quality of education.Monitoring should be increased in advance for increasing educational institutions in terms of quality.Also,whether there is a favorable environment for education in all the educational institutions that are currently in the country should be monitored.All facilities should be ensured which are relevant with the achievement of education.Teachers and teaching method should be developed with advance tools and technology.As each student of any educational institutions are different and they come from different family  background,different situation and has to face various aspects which they have to overcome for the continuity of their study.So there is no way to deny the importance of proper counseling for proper wellbeing of those students.It’s also considered as qualitative characteristic of educational institutions.But it’s an irony of fate that our educational institutions especially all the public universities are not conscious about that reality.

Quality of education cannot be expected to depend on any one subject.It requires coordinative and effective management and action of many components.The elements that are  needed for proper coordinated quality of education are modern and up-to-date curriculum, sufficient number of qualified and trained teachers,necessary teaching materials and physical infrastructure,proper teaching-learning methods, appropriate evaluation methods,continuous monitoring etc.Besides,plans and policies can be formulated in the light of the following recommendations to achieve quality at all levels of education.Also,one of the many essential prerequisites for quality education is greater investment. Despite Bangladesh being a developing country, the allocation of funds to the education sector is not adequate.It’s undeniable that the money allocated for the development of various sectors is not spent fairly and smoothly in many cases, which is really undesirable.Development of any country and nation is not possible without development in the field of education.To increase the number of skilled workeforce,to improve manpower; quality of education should be ensured.The number of higher educational institutions in the country are adequate to teach the population but inadequate to make skilled workforce.So the worst lack is only qualitative or standard education.The quality of education will increase due to the quality of teachers.The role of the teacher is paramount in improving the quality of education.Teachers also have the responsibility to make parents aware.A teacher must be sincere to fulfill the duties of his/her own.They should teach with compassion.They should not only work as their as usual profession but also should work to the change of the society.The quality of education will depend on the ability, techniques and skills of the teachers in the modern methods of regular and proper teaching and learning in the classroom.There is no alternative for qualitative education to lead any country to the path of development.Regular,fair, advanced and systematic teaching of teachers in classrooms is recommended to ensure the quality of education. Standardized,modern,successful,proper and regular teaching and learning method in the classroom is a great reward for the students, great achievement and great satisfaction for the teachers, great success for a nation.So it’s more essential to ensure the quality of education than the establishment of innumerable educational institutions as it’ll help to eradicate the educated unemployment problems of our country.


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