July 27, 2024

MOON Desk: Mr. Sabirul Islam Choudhury has recently taken charge as the new Chief Executive Officer of Multi Securities and Services Limited. The company has the reputation of being the best broker house in Chittagong.

Earlier, Sabirul Islam served as Senior Executive Vice President of Padma Bank Ltd. He played an important role in restructuring and modernizing the recovery division of the fourth generation Padma bank Ltd. After obtaining Master’s degree from University of Dhaka, he obtained MBA degree from Australia. In addition, he also holds a diploma in Information Technology & in Financial Services from Australia.

He started his career in the department of Employment and Workplace Relations in the Federal Government of Australia in 2001. In his long career spanning 21 years, he has accumulated experience working in large multinational companies such as Shell Australia, St. George Bank, GE Capital and Westpac Banking Corporation.

Sabirul has participated in many professional and management development trainings, workshops and seminars at home and abroab. He is a Sig Sigma Black Belt and also an Omega Certified Professional. In personal life, he is the father of two daughters.


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