July 27, 2024

Moon Desk : Information and Broadcasting Minister Hasan Mahmud on Monday said the government will have to think of sending Begum Khaleda Zia back to prison if her party leaders see day dream in running the country.

“Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has shown her unprecedented generosity to Begum Khaleda Zia. But, if the BNP leaders see daydream in running the country then the government will have to reconsider to send back Begum Zia to prison,” he said.

The minister stated these while replying to a query of reporters over a comment of BNP leader Aman Ullha Aman at the meeting room of his ministry at Secretariat in the capital, BSS reports.

Hasan said BNP leader Aman might see a dream like that. But, their leader is now out of prison for the unprecedented generosity of the Premier, he added.

Sharply criticising a comment of BNP leader Ruhul Kabir Rizvi over human rights activist Sultana Kamal, the minister said, “With due respect to Begum Sultana Kamal I would like to say that she is a human rights activist, eminent intellectual and I also do not agree with her many statements. Most of the statements of her are against the government. But, it is decency and out of etiquette to talk by attacking her personally.”

He said the human rights activists and critics consider any issue by their own view points. Anyone can criticize their statements, but it is not appropriate to attack personally, said Hasan, also Awami League joint general secretary.

He said Rizvi had told that Sultana Kamal is a broker of Awami League and “I’m in apprehension that when Rizvi will tell that Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir is also a broker of Awami League”.

Replying to another query over a recent comment of BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, the minister said, “I think that he (Fakhrul) has insulted our great Liberation War, independence and martyrs through his speech. And he should be disqualified from the politics of Bangladesh. Different legal steps could be taken against him and he would have been disqualified from politics if he told it in another country.”

He said the BNP leader has told that ‘Pakistan was better’ which means the creation of Bangladesh is not right.

Replying to another query, Hasan said the countrymen laugh when BNP talks about democracy as the party was born from the gunpoint and undemocratically.

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