April 1, 2025

Qazi Mizan: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference senior leadership has expressed the hope that the United Nations will come up with a solid formula for settlement of disputes like Kashmir and Palestine to lay a strong foundation for peaceful world during its ongoing 77th General Assembly session in New York.

APHC Chairman Masarrat Aalam Butt and other senior leaders Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Nayeem Ahmad Khan and Aasiya Andrabi in their statements from New Delhi’s Tihar jail said that Kashmir and Palestine are the oldest global disputes present on the UN agenda, and the continued loss of life in the two regions betrays utter failure of the World Body when it comes to these two grave issues. The statements, which were released in Srinagar, maintained that it would be daydreaming to long for a peaceful world without addressing the issues pertaining to political future the millions of people.

Kashmir and Palestine disputes, they added, will continue to put a question mark on the credibility of the United Nations unless these issues are resolved as per the World Body’s resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri and Palestinian peoples.

The leaders demanded an urgent intervention by the world community to resolve the lingering Kashmir dispute. They asked the World Body to rise above traditional huddle of heads of states and instead wake up and fulfill its obligations by coming up with a robust and concrete plan during the ongoing 77th UNGA session to face the disputes like Kashmir and Palestine head on if it really wants a peaceful world.

The APHC leaders called upon the world community to uphold its commitments viz-a-viz Kashmiris’ right to self-determination besides giving a shut-up call to India that ‘enough is enough. The UN should send a clear message to the Modi regime to halt its illegal actions aimed at changing the IIOJK’s demography, culture and identity.

APHC-AJK chapter Convener Mehmood Ahmad Saghara and others including Uzair Ahmad Ghazali, Altaf Ahmad Butt and Shabbir Ahmad in their statements raised a similar demand from the world platform.

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