July 27, 2024

Moon Desk: Greece’s negative statements to NATO about Türkiye cannot harm ties between Ankara and the alliance, the Turkish president said on Friday.

“Greece’s negative approach to NATO does not weaken Türkiye-NATO relations,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the reporters after Friday prayers in Istanbul.

“Greece has no value in NATO,” he said, adding the alliance is strong with Türkiye.

Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his counterpart from the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou N’Guesso met in Istanbul on Friday.

The leaders met at the Vahdettin Mansion, the Turkish presidency said in a statement, without giving further details about the closed-door meeting.

Political relations between Türkiye and the Republic of Congo were established in 1960 following the latter’s independence.

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